Here you will find details of my forthcoming presentations, lectures and keynotes (including information on how to register to attend them) as well as details of my previous talks.
Forthcoming Presentations and Lectures.
Past Presentations and Lectures2022
- McAuliffe, K “So What? From observations about language use to a new understanding of (EU) law: rigour in law and language research design” keynote speech delivered at the International Association of Forensic Linguistics Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, July 2022
- European Parliament’s (EPRS) discussion series: The Language(s) of Politics: The Impact of Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union, April 2022 (watch the recording of the discussion here)
- University of Pittsburgh European Studies Center‘s Conversations on Europe series: Creating Europe Through Multilingualism (watch the recording of the conversation here)
- McAuliffe, K, “Using Corpus Linguistics in Legal Research: Lessons from the Law and Language at the European Court of Justice Project”, paper presented at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany. (Abstract) (Slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Strengths and Weaknesses of Corpus Linguistics in Legal Analysis: A Case Study of the LLECJ Project”, paper presented at the BA/Leverhulme workshop on Applications of Corpus-Linguistics Methods for Socio-legal Research (part of the Changing Aspects of Access to Justice project) at Birmingham City University, UK. (Workshop Details) (slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Mixed Method Empirical Research in Law and Language: The Law and Language at the European Court of Justice Project”, paper presented at the European Society of International Law Workshop on Law and Language in EU and International Law, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Workshop Details) (Programme) (Slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Law and Language at the European Court of Justice: The Language of Advocates General’s Opinions”, paper presented at The Queen’s University of Belfast, Law School, 13th March 2019 (Abstract)
- McAuliffe, K, “The LLECJ Project: Research Questions, Methodological Challenges and Future Directions”, paper presented at the ERC-funded LLECJ project workshop on The Advocate General and EU Law: The Linguistic Aspect, Dublin, Ireland, 14th January 2019.
- McAuliffe, K, “Law and Language at the European Court of Justice: The LLECJ Project”, paper presented at Jurilingüística II: Enfoques Interdisciplinarios en el Estudio de la Lengua y el Derecho/Jurilinguistics II: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Language and Law, Seville, Spain, 25th October 2018 (Panel description and Abstracts) (slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Legal Translation and Multilingual Law”, seminar delivered to lawyers at British Forces Germany Headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany, 12th October 2018
- McAuliffe, K and Muntean, L, “Law and Language at the European Court of Justice: The LLECJ Project”, paper presented at the New Methodologies for the Study of EU Law and the European Court of Justice workshop at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21st September 2018 (Abstract)
- McAuliffe K, “Linguistic Precedent in the Judgments of the CJEU”, paper presented at: From ‘Texts in the Making’ to Authoritative Judgments: International Courts Behind the Scenes, public seminar at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 21st June 2018 (Seminar Details) (Slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Translating for a Multilingual Legal System: Ambiguity, Hybridity and the Impact of Translation on European Union Law” Keynote Lecture at the Transius Conference, Geneva, 18th-20th June 2018 (Abstract) (Conference Programme) (Slides)
- McAuliffe, K, “Law, Language and Translation in the EU Legal Order”, paper presented at the Journée d’Études ‘Law and Language’ at Das Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”, Bonn, 8th June 2018 (Programme) (Abstract) (Video)
- McAuliffe, K, “Law, Language and Translation at the Court of Justice of the European Union” paper presented in the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Court of Justice of the European Union Seminar Series at the Robert Schuman Institute for European Affairs, Luxembourg, 18th April 2018 (Abstract)
- McAuliffe, K, (2018) “Linguistic Cultural Compromises in ECJ Judgments” paper presented at the Second Workshop on Precedent in EU Law: The Linguistic Aspect, Birmingham, UK, 7th February 2018
- McAuliffe, K, (2015) “The Value of Interdisciplinarity in Law and Language: A Case Study of the Court of Justice of the European Union” paper presented at the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics Annual Conference, Mainz, Germany, 5th September 2015
- McAuliffe, K, (2015) “The Value of Multiple Legal Languages for the Development of EU Law” paper presented at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London, 30th June 2015
- McAuliffe, K, (2015) “The Impact of Multilingualism on the Development of EU Law” paper presented at the European Parliament, 19th March 2015
- McAuliffe, K, (2014) “Choosing a Research Methodology”, paper presented at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29th October 2014
- McAuliffe, K and Trklja, A, (2014) “Law and Language at the Court of Justice of the European Union” paper presented at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22nd October 2014
- McAuliffe, K, (2014) “Law and Language at the European Court of Justice” keynote speech delivered at The Fourth International Conference on Law, Language and Culture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 13th-16th June 2014
- McAuliffe, K, (2014) “Law and language in the European Union” paper presented at the Center for Law, Language and Cognition, Brooklyn Law School, New York, 17th march 2014
- McAuliffe, K, (2014) “Once Upon a Time at the Court” paper presented at EU Law Stories, the American University, Washington DC, 13th March 2014
- McAuliffe, K, (2013) “Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research” paper presented at the Reflective Societies Research, Horizon 2020 GW4 Conference Bristol, UK, 23rd October 2013
- McAuliffe, K, (2013) “Legal Drafting at the European Court of Justice” paper presented at the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics Inaugural Annual Conference, 7th September 2013
- McAuliffe, K, (2013) “Contributions and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research in Supranational Law” paper presented at the Comparative Law Workshop, Notre Dame University, London, 5th July 2013
- McAuliffe, K, (2013) “Linguistic Precedent at the European Court of Justice” paper presented at the European Case Law Methods in Action Workshop, iCourts Centre for Exellence for International Courts, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12th April 2013
- McAuliffe, K, and Krajewska, A, (2012) “Access to Justice in International and European Law” paper delivered at the POST/ESRC Seminar on Neuroscience, Children and the Law, Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology, UK Houses of Parliament
- Developmental Social Neuroscience, Ethics and the Law” paper presented to Burleson LLP, Houston, Texas – ‘Justice for Children’, Houston, Texas
- McAuliffe, K, (2012) “Référendaires at the Court of Justice of the European Union” paper presented at Michigan State University College of Law
- McAuliffe, K, (2012) “Social Developmental Neuroscience, Ethics and the Law” paper presented to the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, European Commission, Brussels
- McAuliffe, K, (2012) “Law and Language in the European Union” paper presented at Hong Kong University
- McAuliffe, K, (2012) “Law, Language and the Brain” paper presented at Tsinghua University, Beijing
- McAuliffe, K, (2012) “Law and Language in the European Union” paper presented at Wuhan University, China
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “Precedent at the ECJ: the linguistic aspect” paper presented at the RELINE Workshop on Language and Law, University of Copenhagen
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “Law and Language at the European Court of Justice” keynote speech delivered at the Fifth Summer Institute of Jurilinguistics, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “Court of Justice of the European Union: linguistic precedents?, McGill University, Montréal
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “Linguistic Precedents at the European Court of Justice?” paper presented at the Current Legal Issues: Law and Language Conference, University College London, UK
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “The Language Question in Europe” paper presented at China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing
- McAuliffe, K, (2011) “Understanding EU Law” paper presented at East China Normal University, Shanghai
- McAuliffe, K, (2010) “Traduire le droit : une hybridité nécessaire en droit de l’Union européenne?” keynote speech delivered at Traduire la diversité (domains littéraire, juridique et des sciences de la vie), Université de Liège, Belgium
- McAuliffe, K, (2010) “Language and Law”, a series of lectures delivered at the Michigan State University College of Law Summer Programme, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
- McAuliffe, K, (2010) “Law and Language at the ECJ” paper presented at the University of Luxembourg
- McAuliffe, K, (2010) “Understanding EU Institutions” paper presented at The Queen’s University of Belfast
- McAuliffe, K, (2009) “Understanding EU Lawmakers” paper presented at The Queen’s University of Belfast
- McAuliffe, K, (2009) “Drafting EU Law” paper presented at University College Dublin, Ireland
- McAuliffe, K, (2009) “Law, Language and Translation at the European Court of Justice” paper presented at the 24th International Society for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) World Congress, Beijing, China
- McAuliffe, K, (2009) “La traduction dans l’office des juges européens” paper presented at La construction des droits européens et le paradigme de la traduction : Enjeux d’une rencontre, Brussels, Belgium
- McAuliffe, K, (2009) “Law, Language and Translation in the EU” public lecture delivered at China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing
- McAuliffe, K, (2008) “Hybridity in EU Case Law?” paper presented at the Law and Society Association Conference, Montréal, Canada
- McAuliffe, K, (2008) “Hybrid Texts and Uniform Law?” paper presented at McGill University, Montréal, Canada
- McAuliffe, K, (2007) “Enlargement at the Court of Justice of the European Communities” paper presented at the 6th International WISH conference: The Evolution of the European Courts: institutional change and continuity, Dublin, Ireland
- McAuliffe, K, (2006) “Translation at the Court of Justice of the European Communities” paper presented at the International Conference on Language and Law, Düsseldorf, Germany
- McAuliffe, K, (2004) National Rapporteur for the United Kingdom at the Conference of the European Group of Public Law: “Religion and Public Law”, Legrena-Cape Sounio, Greece